Channing is 2 weeks old today! Sniffle, sniffle - I want her to be this little forever! She is a wonderful baby. She is very patient and is very easy going. She sleeps great at night. I put her to bed at 9:30, she wakes up around 2:30 and then at 6:30. Yes, she is awesome! She has had a very busy 2 weeks of life. She has been to 3 Dr. apts (1 was for me), to the park, to the library, to Old Time Pottery, to Lowes, to Grandma and Grandpas to play with all 8 other grandkids, church 4 times, dance class, and another hospital. That is quite alot for a little one. We have also has 4 showings and an open house. So needless to say, the past 2 days we have sat at home and it has felt great!!! Carly and Chloe are her other mothers. They love to hold her and take care of her. Sometimes I hear Channing crying and when I go into the room, they have given her a passi and have her to sleep. I love having big helpers! Finley wakes up every morning looking for baby. She has to go give her kisses. Whenever Channing cries, Finley goes running yelling "passi"! She does very good with her and holds her. She places toys around her seat so she can play. Harper holds her every once and a while. He isn't as interested as all the girls are, but he loves to watch her in the car and give us a play by play of all her facial expressions.
Stats on Channing: She looks just like Carly and Chloe when they were babies - more like Carly because her hair spikes up in the back like hers did. (we used to call Carly Spike). She sneezes like Chloe. She snores like Harper. She looks just like Finley in the face, but Finley had all that hair so it made her look different. And like I said before, personality: nice and relaxed! We love our sweet baby!