Every home is a school. What do you teach? * Home is a classroom and class is always in session!
Friday, May 15, 2009
One Horrible Experience
On Thursday, May 14th, was the worst experience I have ever gone through! Harper was in a terrible accident, but with God's amazing grace he was able to pull through wonderfully!! I am so thankful for God's strength He gave me during the whole ordeal and the wisdom and knowledge he gave me so I knew how to react. I will try to explain this to the best of my ability. The kids were on the swing set playing and I came inside to throw Matt's potatoes in the microwave (the back of the house has a lot of windows so I watch the kids the whole time they are out there). Well, we have a rope tied to Harper's swing and the girls must have brought it up to the tree house with them. (I did not see this, I am just thinking this is what happened). Here is where it gets hard to tell this story without crying. Well Harper went down the slide and the rope was still attached to the swing and pulled through the top of the tree house and then the rope got wrapped around his neck. I looked out at this point and saw him on the slide. He had basically hung himself and was lifeless with the rope around his neck mid slide. I ran out there (I have no clue how long he was out there like this - not long - but long enough) and he was solid blue/purple and totally hung. I was home alone and neighbors were mowing so they couldn't hear me screaming. I got the rope off of his neck and had to get to the house to the phone. His body was like a doll so limp and floppy and he was not breathing, blue, and unconscious. So I kept him as flat as I could while I ran and was giving him cpr. I laid him on the floor and called 911 while giving him cpr. I had him awake and breathing by the time the paramedics got here. (all that lifeguard training finally paid off) They gave him oxygen and we were taken to CMC main. Luckily Matt was on his way home - but he was greeted with a street full of police and paramedics. The girls were so awesome during the whole thing and I was able to explain everything that was going on and they were such good helpers. They did not cry - they were so brave and knew Harper had a boo boo, but when I finally called them inside he was awake so they never saw him the other way. He was put on a little body board and we were taken by ambulance to the hospital. Harper was given xrays and monitored through the night. He has a really bad rope mark around his neck and is very spotted - looks like he is covered with freckles - kind of like Dennis the Menace. He is such a great boy!! The whole ambulance ride he laid still and quiet. He did not talk the entire time. In the ER I was rubbing his head and kissing on him and he whispered the best three words in the world, "I love you!" Talk about an amazing God or what!!!!! He had my precious baby boy in his arms the entire time and gave him the best personality in the world to make this horrible thing a million times better. He is eating and acting just like Harper - very tired though since we didn't get a room until 11 and then we were woken alot. So, we are home and everyone is doing well - of course I am having the hardest time because I had the worst situation burned into my memory and I keep seeing his little lifeless body at the end of that slide. I was very worried he may have brain damage, but the Dr.'s all said he was acting so wonderfully that they highly doubt that. We think that he actually dreamed of what happened last night. Harper is a great sleeper and he woke up screaming uncontrollably and we couldn't calm him down until we turned the lights on and he realized we had him and he was ok. Poor guy! He must remember it somewhat to have done that. Anyways, please pray for our continued recovery and praise God for the miracles he performs everyday!!
Here I am explaining to him that the IV had to stay in his hand - we were in the Children's Er.
Harper loves his Daddy so much! He gives him great comfort at this late hour while we were waiting!
Here is Harper enjoying his breakfast - pancakes, french toast, and milk. He thought he was so big eating in bed. He also liked looking out the window at all the cars - he named every car - "Black one, White one, blue one."
Of course breakfast wasn't complete unless elephant joined him. So he put him on his shoulder and fed him too!!
Laying down relaxing a little bit while we wait for the Dr.'s to come and discharge us. It had been a long 20 hours!!!
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Becca and Family,
This is absolutely heart wrenching. I can't even begin imagining what it must have been like going thru this. I am so happy that Harper pulled thru this with flying colors, bless his little heart. Keep us posted on his recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. The Chaffin Family
I'm so sorry to hear about this horrible experience, but praise God that you knew CPR and that God had His hand on your sweet little man. What an amazing story! You will be in our prayers as you continue to get used to daily life again! Hang in there...
Wow, what a scary moment and an amazing story! I'm happy to hear that Harper is well and that his Mom had the strength and knowledge to be there in his time of need! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers!
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