Monday, August 3, 2009


We have been preparing for the baby all weekend. Man it is alot of work!! (on top of the 8 loads of laundry I did as well) I wanted to get everything out so the kids can get all their playing in before she comes. We got everything out of the attic Saturday night and Sunday morning it sounded like Christmas in our living room. We were still in bed and Carly flipped out when she saw all the loot. She came running in for Chloe to come and check out all the great stuff. They helped lysol wipe the swing, bouncers, and the carrier. They were so excited to help out and even more excited that this means she is coming soon!! I had to give them classes on how to turn everything on and off (only for when the baby is in the apparatus) - this way they got to mess with them, but they know they can't touch them until she is in them. I do let them put their babies in them, as you can see below. They are so excited it is going to be very interesting to see them when she is here. They will probably do some strange stuff because they are so pumped and I can already foresee them crashing hard after a few days because of all their hype, probably the day I come home from the hospital!! Oh well, it is fun to see them so happy about their sister.

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