Friday, September 18, 2009

Cooking Vacation

Tomorrow marks 3 weeks since we had our precious Finley Claire! Our friends from church made meals for us so I wouldn't have to cook and we could use our time to bond! I could not believe that I wouldn't have to cook for 3 weeks!!! Yes, we have the greatest friends! We had a wide variety of meals - they were so yummy!! I love tasting other people's cooking, and it tastes even better when you don't have to lift a finger to prepare it! All these people have such giving hearts and we really appreciate all the time and effort it took to prepare our meals. The girls kept asking me how I made their dinner, because they never saw me in the kitchen! They loved everyone coming to our house. They wanted everyone to see them taking care of Finley. They would either ask to hold her when they came over, turn her swing on, or just kiss on her to show off their big sisterhood!! So, tomorrow night my cooking vacation is over! (we have enough leftovers for tonight) I have to get my mind back in action and start planning my schedule. Thank you so much to all of you who made us a meal!

Side note: Some people have asked me what is up with our house. Our contract went up with Allen Tate and now we have it listed with Dane Warren Real estate. I am kind of stuck with my moving feelings now. I love this house and am so glad we got to bring our Finley home here, but I know that we have outgrown this one and need more room. BUT... moving is going to be such a hassle!! Oh well, the kids are really excited to get a new house and most of our stuff is in totes anyways, so it should be too bad to pack up when it is time!! We just have no clue where we are going to move to so that could pose a problem! It is so cool though to not worry about this at all!! I know that God has perfect timing and we are supposed to just sit and wait for Him to tell us when to go. I am very at ease with this and know that I don't have to worry about a thing.

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