Every home is a school. What do you teach? * Home is a classroom and class is always in session!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
The lost pictures
Well, I was wondering why I felt I haven't blogged too much, and I figured it out! Our camera was acting up and we lost some pictures. So that is why the month of January was a little slack! I found the folder of January pictures and here are some random shots of what has been going on inside these walls (and do I ever mean inside! - It had been so cold we only went to church and dance class).
We planned our trip to Disney World and Carly and Chloe are beside themselves!! They have been practicing smiling with the Princesses. We have about 20 different poses!! Here they are Sleeping Beauty and Belle!
When the kids hear the garage door open, they fly out of their seats and run to give him hugs. On this particular day, they had him pinned down! Matt loves it and I do my best to encourage their hugs. I know Matt absolutely loves this attention!
The girls were wanting their hair curly so I put their hair in hot curlers. They thought they were beautiful! Here is Chloe with her curly locks!
And here is the Cheese (Carly comes by this nickname honestly!) She was posing like crazy. It was so funny how she was haming it up!
More of Carly. She just kept Voguing it!
Carly was having a bad night, so Chloe was reading her some stories.
I just realized that I never posted our pictures from our 2 boughts of snow we had. The first one was in January and was a little icy. The second one was beautiful!
Harper ran out to eat some flakes
Finley liked looking out the window at all the big flakes. She liked to keep her cheek pressed against the cold glass of the window.
We went out the next morning and played a little bit. Then Sunday morning, the entire road was a sheet of ice. So we put all the kids each in their own laundry basket. We hooked them together with bungy cords and then walked them down the street. They looked like their own bob sled team. It was so cute. But our camera had messed up and those pictures are gone!! They were my absolute favorite pictures and they disappeared in digital space. So sad! But we still have the memories (and I think I took some home video of it!)
This was the second snow. It was so pretty coming down, so we let the kids stay up late and go play in it at night. We went for a walk and it was so magestic looking. We really enjoyed it.
I can do it all by myfelf!!
Harper has become quite independent lately. He loves to go to the bathroom all by himfelf (no I'm not typing wrong, that is how he says his s's - f). I love when he comes running to tell me he did it, and then he walks away with his pants all rolled up in the back, underwear haging out, or two legs in the same hole. It is very amusing. He also has taken an interest in getting dressed. He is doing very well, but sometimes he makes for some great pictures:
Here he is with one leg of his underwear handing out the back. One I took his pants off, he had both legs in one leg hole, but it was all around his waist like a belt.
Today he came out like this. I don't understand why he thought he was going to go off and play like this! He got his underwear right, but both legs were in one pant leg and the other leg is coming out the backside like a tail. So cute!
And then last night I had all these bracelets on. I had taken them off and he said he was going to put them away. I went to go to bed last night and I find them spread out very strategically on the night stand. I just kept smiling everytime I looked at them, so I took a pic. I love all the cute things he does!
Work Your Hair Finley
Finley has a new trick up her sleeve that she started today. All you have to say is "Work your hair" and she shakes her head full of locks all over the place. It is so cute!
She is almost 6 months!!
I can't believe the time has come that we need to post about Finley at 6 months! She has brought so much joy into our lives and has such a wonderful personality! She is very laid back and LOVES her sisters and brother. They are always singing, talking, and playing with her and she just sits and smiles and takes it all in. I love seeing the close bond these 4 have with each other. Here are some random pics of our sweet Fee!!!
We took her to the pool for the first time. The girls were so excited that she was coming with us
She liked splashing in the water
When Daddy comes home from work, some days he doesn't make it very far into the door. This day, he grabbed his baby and plopped right down on the kitchen floor to see her. These kids are so lucky to have such a loving father! I just had to take a pic because they looked so cute together.
The ladies snuggling watching a movie after baths.
My terrific family
The girls had to dress Finley up in a costume. She has on their dress and shoes (we had just finished dinner - notice the vinegar all down the front of Chloe's shirt! Good thing Daddy has become a pro at stain removal!)
Finley's first bath with the big kids!! Carly took up the oldest sister card and got to go first. Chloe and Harper are awaiting their turn in the tub with her!
On Sunday, she had her first bites of food. Homemade butternut squash - yum! She ate it right up and acted like she knew exactly what she was doing.
We took the kids to see Matt's grandma - Great Grandma Broome (the kids like the way that sounds). We enjoyed our visit. She gave Harper a plastic horse to play with. As soon as he got it, he broke the leg right off! I guess the toys hadn't been played with in a while and that combination with Harper - look out!!
Look at Carly holding Finley's hand - so sweet!
I will call the next session of pictures - bad hair days! I bet Finley could pose for one of those 365 desk calendars and each day be a saying about bad hair days. She has had some very interesting mornings - we joke that she is going to be one rough looking teenager when she wakes up!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine's Day
Part of Matt's present was a new pair of shoes. Chloe wakes up from her nap and the first thing she tells Matt is that he can play with her doctor kit. Confused, he asks why. She says, "So you can wear your new shoes Daddy!" - they were Dockers!! I love these kids!!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Today, Feb. 4th, the girls went to the dentist for the first time! This is getting too much for me - too many firsts in one week! They did so good. They were all smiles and giggles and they were very respectful and talked to their "hidentist" :) and dentist. They were supposed to go back to back, but they ended up just doing them at the same time. So I stayed in the room with Carly and little miss Chloe marched herself to another room next door (but there was a cut out in the wall so I could see both of them). This was our big turning point with the thumb sucking. So now we are trying to quit~! This is going to be fun. The girls said good bye to cow and D-dog and we put them in their memory box (they said they could have them back when they are 16). Now it is Poodle and Giraffe's turn! It is actually nap time right now and they don't have them and they are not sleeping, so I am guessing nap time is going to be shot from now on! This is going to be an adjustment - a needed one! But, it is also sad to see their last bit of "babiness" dissipating. Do you know how many pictures I have with their loves in it?! Way too many! Another major hurtle in my babies lives. Here are some pics from the big day!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
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