Thursday, February 25, 2010


I just realized that I never posted our pictures from our 2 boughts of snow we had. The first one was in January and was a little icy. The second one was beautiful!

Harper ran out to eat some flakes
Finley liked looking out the window at all the big flakes. She liked to keep her cheek pressed against the cold glass of the window.

Carly and Chloe eating the first flakes!
We went out the next morning and played a little bit. Then Sunday morning, the entire road was a sheet of ice. So we put all the kids each in their own laundry basket. We hooked them together with bungy cords and then walked them down the street. They looked like their own bob sled team. It was so cute. But our camera had messed up and those pictures are gone!! They were my absolute favorite pictures and they disappeared in digital space. So sad! But we still have the memories (and I think I took some home video of it!)

This was the second snow. It was so pretty coming down, so we let the kids stay up late and go play in it at night. We went for a walk and it was so magestic looking. We really enjoyed it.
Here is how Miss Finley plays in the snow! We bundled her up in a laundry basket and pulled her around. She loved it! It was kind of bright out so she needed some glasses!

Daddy giving her a ride!

They just had to go and swing.

Our big snow man.
Snow is fun once or twice a year and that is it! Bundling up 4 kids to go outside is a pain. But I guess if we had snow equipment it wouldn't be so bad. As you can see we use feet pajamas as a snow suit!

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