Every home is a school. What do you teach? * Home is a classroom and class is always in session!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Happy Belated Birthday Harper!
This is an overdue Happy Birthday to my sweet boy! It takes so long to upload pictures, so I can only do posts with lots of pics when I have plenty of time - can you believe it has taken me 2 weeks to have the time to do a lengthy post?! Anyways, June 29th, was Harper's 3rd birthday. He was so excited for his special day. We ordered the cake a week before his party and everyday he asked if we were going to pick it up (note to self, next year order the cake the day before :) As soon as he woke up, we went and opened presents from us.
Carly and Chloe got him a Buzz Light Year action figure and a Woody figure. He did think it was broken because the Buzz didn't talk!! We didn't know a talking Buzz was that important to him. He got over it quickly though.
We got him this Rooney costume. I know he will shoot us when he is a teenage for taking a picture of him like this, but Carly and Chloe have the Dee Dee and Moe costume and they have been wanting Harper to be Rooney to complete the band!! He was excited to put on his blue costume and be Rooney~ We also got him some books - all about trucks and cars.
I also made him his favorite breakfast - GRITS!!! This boy is strangely addicted to them, so I made him a pot of them and stuck 3 candles in them. He thought that was great. And notice his pjs - these have been his favorite pair for over a year now. They are starting to be like capris, so I will have to retire them, but he just loves his Joe Jammers.
Later on, we went to the Aquatic Center for his pool birthday party. He got his ever desired car cake. He loved spending the day with all his cousins and friends. I so enjoy celebrating the birth of my kids. This boy is such a sweet, funny, cute, and all around great kid. He seems so much older than 3. I guess he keeps up with his sisters, so it makes him seem older, but I have to remind myself that he is only 3 and still considered a baby :)
Here he is opening his presents. He loved the fact that he could open them all by himself without Carly and Chloe getting in on the action!
And Finley got to spend some fun time with Uncle Kris! We hate that we don't get to see them that much, but we sure do enjoy them when we do get to see them!
I took this picture after church today. This boy is the best brother! He takes such good care of his Fifi. I love hearing his little voice talk to her when she is upset, "It's ok Fifi. Don't Cry." He can get this girl laughing so hard that it makes me cry just listening to the two of them. He will do some obnoxious sound and she will just bust out laughing and the two of them will go at it for minutes. He has such a bond with his little sister! He is also an awesome little big brother too. Ever since he started to walk, the girls will only do scary things if Harper does it. Harper goes down the water slide at the aquatic center, then his sisters will. Yesterday we took the kids to the pool. I have been trying to give them a little responsibility at the pool so when they need to go potty, it is not a party of 5 going into the bathroom for the 1 child needing to use the restroom. So, Matt has been watching him in the men's bathroom to see if he knows what to do. Well yesterday, he was very proud to escort himself to the bathroom as needed. Carly had to go potty so I told her to go. Nope. There was no way she would go alone. So who takes her? Her little, big brother. They march hand in hand, as cute as they can be, to the bathroom, where he decides to jet off to the men's. We could see her giving him specific directions to meet her in the middle when he was done. So I was keeping an eye on the restrooms when out comes Harper. He waltzes into the lady's room and then a minute later emerges with an enormous grin with his sister holding his hand! He is such the man of the house!! Matt and I couldn't stop smiling at how cute they were walking back. Being a parent is so rewarding!! Well I guess that concludes my post of my sweet Harper Banks, but honestly, I could go on for days talking about how wonderful my son is!!!
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