Tuesday, November 16, 2010

First Time.....ALONE!!!

Once again, Chloe was sick this week. Sunday night we went over to Mom and Dad's for dinner before Awanas. Chloe was fine all day long, then we went shopping to get the last odds and ends for our shoe boxes. On the way to their house, Chloe starts crying and saying her legs don't work. We get there, she is still down and out. Mom holds her head and thought she had a fever. Sure enough it was 101. This was 30 minutes before we had to be to church, so obviously she couldn't go. Grandma and Grandpa offered to let her stay there while we went. Uh oh!!! They have never gone anywhere by themselves!!! They have gone places alone with us, but not dropped off and be totally Riffleless!! I had to break it to Carly that she would be going to Sparks alone!!! Oh the tears!!! She was very sad to say the least. It broke my heart to see her so sad. I know that was hard for her, so I was understanding in this big hurtle. She cried all the way there and while she was there. So I went in and sat with her in her class so she could calm down. I started coloring and talking to her teacher - our friend Erin. She calmed down, said her verse, and then they lined up for game time. I left her at this point and she had fun playing "bolleyball." When I picked her up, she had a huge smile on her face - the kind that looked like she conquered the world! I was very proud of her bravery. The world of twin hood is very unique and I understand that things are hard for them to do separate, but now that it is done, she is quite ok with it. I told Carly last night that if Chloe didn't get better, then she would have to go to dance class alone. She was fine with that and then she was excited to announce that if she still wasn't better by Wednesday, she would have to go to choir alone. Chloe immediately said she was better after she heard that (choir is their absolute favorite thing to do). But Chloe broke her fever last night so I think she is good to go to dance class.

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