Well, then the fever hit us. And it hit us hard!! Sunday, midnight - Carly fever. Monday - Harper fever. Tuesday - Matt and Chloe fever. Break on Wednesday from any new people joining the super hot club. Thursday - Channing and Finley fever. Let me tell ya....it is a blast having so many sick people!! And here it is Monday of the next week and Finley still has a fever! The fevers usually lasted a couple of days, then go away and then come back again. Matt and Chloe had it the longest. Matt luckily had a well visit during the sick week, so his Dr. told me that if I felt anything to get some Tamaflu and that should help. I did get the cough so I started it right away. Hopefully I don't come down with it as bad as everyone else....it didn't look too fun!! Channing was super cute sitting in her chair with her cup and bowl of cheerios!! This is the only time this child sits still!
This is our sick basket. All my medicine that I administer is in my basket as well as my spreadsheet for what everyone has been given. Taking care of 6 people with the flu is no fun. But, the extra snuggles were nice :)
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