Saturday, November 8, 2008

Birthday Party

Today we went to Preston's 3rd birthday party (Preston is my friend Sarah's son). We had a great time. It was definately a party Harper really enjoyed. It was a fire truck theme, so a fire truck came and Harper LOVED it! He was the first to sit in the truck and the last to get off. I finally just had to take the kid off, because the girls were done and wanted to play!! Also, Chubby Checker (the hockey team's mascot) came. The girls cried their heads off so I had to stand in the gazebo holding them. Harper played ball with him and really liked him. Of course I couldn't get a picture him because my hands were tied, but maybe Sarah did. I didn't get a pic of the birthday boy either - he was too hard to catch and I only had my cell phone camera. Anyways, it was fun!!

Chloe with the jacket on - the helmet was so heavy she couldn't keep her head up!

Harper loved standing in front of these wheels. He would run to Ryan, get a tickle, then run to the wheel, when he was about 2 feet from it he would stop, turn around and slowly back up until he had his back to the wheel. He is so funny!!

Whose driving this rig?? Looks like little brother is going to do the majority of the driving when the teenage years come along!!!!!

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