Friday, November 21, 2008


Today I was reading my Bible, and I ended up reading about David's Psalm of Thanks. It made me think of all the things I am thankful for. David's Psalm of Thanks occurred when the Israelites were bringing the Ark of the Covenant back to Israel. They were all so excited to have it and a homeland since they had been "traveling" and having it back from the Philistines, that they had this huge party and just praised God for the Ark. All the Israelites were gathered together to witness this. The Psalm is located in 1 Chronicles 16: 8-36. This was the perfect thing to read right before Thanksgiving. I really liked this "Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced,..." (verses 11 & 12). Isn't that great!! Think about your past year. There is so much to be thankful for. I am so thankful for my family. My 3 kids are amazing!! They are so sweet and they truly give me so much joy that it hurts!! My husband - man!!! There is so much I could say about him. He is my everything. He is so patient, loving, caring, fun, loyal, - I am just going to stop now, because there aren't enough words to describe him. This past year I have had my ups and my downs, but those downs don't last long, because God quickly shows me why I had those downs and how to get up from them. Losing the baby was hard, but God is working with me right now to do something I have been wanting to do for a while. I lost one of my best friends too, due to differences, but God is showing me why he did this. Sometimes we do things because they make us happy, and that is not God's will. I am really standing back and looking at what God wants for me - Godly friends. Those friends that pray for you, support your walk with the Lord, and those that put God first. My ups - of course there are way too many to list. I am so thankful for my family's health, wonderful friends, my extended family, staying home to raise our kids, ends always seeming to meet no matter what, and just the love of God - he is amazing!!! Anyways, I just was wanting to put down in words what I am thankful for - look at this Mom and Dad - I'm already for Thanksgiving Day - my speech is prepared!!! :)


Anonymous said...

Praise God! He is wonderful. We love you all so much!

Anonymous said...

By the way, you didn't give your speech!