Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I was reading with Carly today and we were reviewing words. They have been reading a ton of new words, so I have to explain the word or give them a sentence so they know the meaning of the word. Today was a review of those words and Carly was reading them and then giving me a definition of each word. Very cute. Well, she gets to the word did. They liked when I told them, "you know, when I say - did you clean your room?" Carly says this and then she takes it one notch further. "Or you know when you see a spider" as she proceeds to smack the table and shouts "DID"!!!! Absolutely hilarious. They have not heard that from us. I never talk about killing bugs or death, so she must of heard it from someone else and she thinks they say did not dead. Gotta love living in the south!!

1 comment:

kids craft kits said...

How cute! I love that stage when they say the most random things!