Monday, June 28, 2010


The other morning after breakfast, Carly got off her chair and whispered something to Chloe. She did it right in front of Harper and myself as if they were saying something really sneaky. I asked Carly what she said, and she REFUSED!!! I gave her sad eyes, but still the girl would not budge. They were excused and went outside to play since Daddy was out mowing the yard. About 5 minutes later, I was in the bathroom taking Finley and in comes Carly. "Mom, I want to tell you something." She then whispers in my ear the secret. It was nothing spectacular, she just wanted to put on Harper's new costume and she didn't want him to know, because then he would want to wear it. I just said oh and thanked her for telling me - it was not a big deal. Carly had a huge grin on her face and she turned to exit the bathroom. And then she turned around and said, "God will forgive me!" She felt she had made a bad choice by not telling me the secret, the guilt ate her up inside, she told me and felt the weight of her choice lifted after she told me. We then had a whole conversation about God's amazing grace and forgiveness.

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