Thursday, January 22, 2009


Today is a little spot light on the Banks!! He has become quite a little swimmer! We took them all to the pool today and he finally learned how to hold himself up in his float by himself. He looked like a little duck gliding across the water and his little feet just going a mile a minute under the water. He also loves to jump in - something my chicken little girls still won't do by themselves. He just falls into the pool and just about touches the bottom and comes up smiling so big. He is such a fish.

This is Harper this morning enjoying a muffin! This was only his first one - he ate two so he ended up in worse shape than this!

This is Harper unloading the dishwasher. He took everything out and put it on the counter. He loves to do the dishes and he is pretty good at it too. Side note - do not think my child ever walks around in a onesie!! Matt took him to the bathroom and he came out like this. Matt is not allowed to pick out Harper's clothes for the day, because he can't match for the life of him. So he did get dressed after this!!!

This is me after changing Harper's diaper yesterday. I was not feeling good at all, and when I got him up from nap, he had a doosy!! So as I sat in the bathroom gagging, I resorted to strapping the diaper to my face so I wouldn't get sick!!! Oh, the joys of pregnancy!!!

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