Thursday, January 1, 2009

Sweet Kisses

Matt and my favorite part of the day is right before we go to bed at night. We go and kiss all of our babies good night and just peer over their beds and talk about how sweet each one of them are. I love seeing my babies sleeping - they are so sweet. Harper is always in some type of crazy position, but my favorite one is with his arms tucked up under him and his butt in the air. I love when his lips are curled up too -he looks so kissable. If he is close enough to the edge, then I can squish my lips through the crib slats and kiss him. I have tried bending into the bed, but have gotten stuck many times and Matt has had to pull me back out, hurting my stomach, and then we get into an uncontrollable laughing spat. The girls are easier to kiss. So we get to kiss them every night. Sometimes they will start talking in their sleep, which is pretty funny. We tell Chloe when she gets up the words she says. The latest were feathers and bears. She just blurts these out, she must be dreaming of them. I don't think Matt and I will ever be able to stop this ritual, it is just too fun!! It leaves us with such a peaceful image of our angels before we go to bed - I love my kids!!!

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