Thursday, December 17, 2009

3 Months!

I can't believe our sweet little Finley is already 3 months old! She is such a wonderful baby! She just goes with the flow - and this family's flow is fast and loud! She smiles so much and will give the heartiest little laugh when tickled. She has rolled over from her belly to her back several times. Sleeping through the night - she did that around 6 weeks! We just love her cheeks! I could eat them (I occasionally do)! Carly, Chloe, and Harper continue to help me out with her and love her so much. One day I went to go check on Carly at nap time (Finley and Carly sleep in the same room at nap time) and she was just standing next to Finley's bed watching her sleep - it was so sweet! I want these kids to be so close - and I think that is panning out just fine!

Here she is posing for her 1st Christmas ornament picture!
The girls and I were playing dress up - we stripped their baby dolls and used our real life one~

My mini lifeguard

Harper taking his sister for a stroll in his stroller - he went very slow!
For more 3 month pics of our sweet angel, visit Deanna Devine Photography - they are so beautiful:

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