Saturday, December 26, 2009

Santa Visit

Well we made it!! Our first time where all our kids did NOT cry when near Santa!! Harper never has, so he didn't care one bit to hop up on his lap. Carly and Chloe stood next to him and were so proud of this major fear they conquered! They were so cute walking up to him. They had it all planned out - they would stand next to him, smile big, and then walk away. We were so proud of them - and they were too. As soon as the pictures were over, they walked away, talking so loud (almost yelling) about how proud they were of themselves for not crying! It was very fun and is kind of sad - our pics of our big cry baby girls with Santa, came to an end!

And here is our sweet Finley! She did so great sitting with Santa. She just blew her little bubbles and looked unamused! She is so cute! We had to get her picture with the big guy all by herself so that we could document her 1st Christmas!

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