Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Man Down

Friday Chloe got the stomach bug! She woke up complaining of a tummy ache so I wasn't sure if she was hungry or hurting (you know every pain is dealt with the same dramatic approach with these ladies, so you don't know if it is a broken arm or a hang nail). She ate breakfast, slightly, and then just moped around. She laid on the couch where Harper and Carly decided that they needed to entertain their ailing sister. They had a whole stage set up and were playing for her enjoyment. It was so sweet to see her smirk when they were doing silly stuff. Well, I ventured to the bedrooms to put laundry away and she followed me into her room. She just wanted to be around me. I told her to lay down in her bed until I was done. Harper came looking for her, found her in her bed, and said, "Well (as he climbed up into bed with her) I am just going to pray for her." He said the sweetest little prayer so that she would feel better, gave her a little back scratch, and proceeded to go find Carly. She loved it! Her little face was just glowing as he prayed for her. These guys love each other so much and don't like when one is down. The whole dynamics of the house changes when one is sick. It is really weird. Well, she was completely fine the next morning and only proceeded to puke in the middle of school (right in the middle of the floor once) two times! So, we took a sick day and snuggled our little bug. She then shared the bug with me (I got it Monday). It wasn't fun, but very short lived. During dinner that night I wasn't good at all, so I fed Finley, put the food for the big kids out, and then hit the couch. I told them to clean up when they are done. Later on I got up, they had eaten all their food, plates were in the sink, placemats were put away, and the decorative ones were out. I love them!! They made sure it was perfect for me. Then Daddy came home and gave them all a bath. Hopefully we have seen the end of this thing!

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