Wednesday, April 27, 2011

1st Trip to the Mall!

Last Wednesday, April 20th, Channing had a very special day - her very 1st trip to the mall!!! This is a very important event that has to be documented! I almost forgot to take a picture so Carly took this one in the parking lot as we were about to leave! That was a close one!
Finley had to wear her "eyes" as she was ready to hit the stores! How does one go shopping with 5 kids, 5 and under all by herself and still be able to make lots of purchases? Well, first of all - prior to departing the vehicle all rules are laid out and expectations are in place. They know what the schedule of events will be! Second, fast, almost a running pace. Their little legs move so fast - they have to keep up with their Mama. Third, a double stroller. The 2 little ones are buckled up and the 3 big ones have to hold onto the stroller so I have all hands on deck! And fourth, bagged lunches. I make each one a lunch and as we walk they eat. With an infant who eats every 3 hrs., I definitely don't have time to stop and feed everyone, so they eat and shop. All of these together make one wonderful shopping experience for all. And we even topped it off with a carousel ride for Carly and Chloe. (They won't let Harper ride by himself because he is too short - and he doesn't even get upset, so this time I saw a Clifford ride that took quarters and I let him ride that - he thought it was rather special!)
We actually were going to do a group shot with the Easter bunny, but he was not there!! He only is there in the evenings during the week! I was upset that Channing didn't get her picture taken with the big bunny her first year, but she did get a super cute bunny hat made by my Aunt Angela so I think that is a much better bunny picture anyway :) And with gas prices at $3.75 a gallon, I wasn't about to take a trip to the mall just for a bunny picture - sorry Channing!

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