Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Can I freeze time please?

Yesterday was such a great day, I just didn't want it to end. In the morning, we took the kids to the pool and had a great time. I don't know when you turn your phrases from, "Wow, you did that yourself, I'm so proud of you." To: "You can't do things yourself, you need your parents to help you and guide you." But we are at the stage of being proud of every little thing that they do by themselves. I guess when the girls turned 4, they decided that it was time for them to grow up!! This is sad, but exciting at the same time. Carly decided yesterday that she was going to swim by herself!!! And she swam under water to me! I couldn't believe it. My girls are such chickens and this girl has decided that she wants to swim! Chloe did it too, just not as far as Carly and not as sure of herself - I give her another week and she will be right there with Carly. They also decided that it was ok to go down the water slides too. Well, Harper went down them first and then they decided that they could do it. I will never forget the looks on their faces on the first slide!! The look of fear and determination followed by pride and success!
We took Harper to Mandy's house in the afternoon and headed off to the girls' dance recital! This is their second year taking dance and they absolutely love everything about it!! They loved getting their blush, lipstick, their sparkling, twirling dresses on, seeing the stage and the big girls. They were so pumped to get on that stage and do their dance. Now, of course they looked very nervous and weren't too eccentric with their moves, but they loved it. We had to watch the whole recital and they were very upset when it was over - they really wanted to watch more of those big girls. When we got in the car, they wouldn't stop professing their love for all their dance teachers - they love: Ms. Deanna, Ms. Sabrina, Ms. Amanda, and Ms. Lori. They were so loud, Matt and I couldn't even talk - and they sit in the very back on the 3rd row of the van!!! When we got home, they lined up stuffed animals and proceeded to reenact the whole recital. This was at 10 pm!! The excitement that they had last night was awesome! Matt and I just loved every minute hearing their squeaky little voices incessantly talk. Their dance lessons were worth every penny!! We couldn't stop smiling and just wanted to bottle those moments up. Their little lives are just that, little!!! They are going to be going to school next year, so this is my last year with my babies!! After August, I just want to freeze time!! We will have 2 four year olds that are so cute and helpful. A 2 year old that is trained and is an absolute ham!! And a tiny little baby to hold and cuddle!! How much better can life get!!! I love being with my kids every minute of them growing up and don't want to miss one second of their little lives! Anyways, back to yesterday. So, we told the girls we needed to go check on Harper since he was in bed and didn't go to the recital with us. We all went into his room and looked in his bed. He was laying there with the biggest smile EVER on his face! He jumped right up and was dancing in his bed (he must of heard us come home and he woke up). So I scooped him up and he hugged each one of us several times and gave us lots of kisses. He couldn't get enough of the girls and they couldn't get enough of him. We rarely do stuff apart from each other, so Harper was obviously very excited to have us home. Those five minutes sitting on the floor of Harper's room with our 3 kids was terrific! I love my family so much and am so thankful God has blessed Matt and I with an abundance of love for each other that we have such wonderful kids. I can't get my smile off my face when I look at this family I have been given. God is so AMAZING!!
Before the rehearsal we had a little snack on the curb. These kids love their Daddy! This was his first day off since May 25th, so they were all a little clingy to him!
Here are the girls getting ready for the rehearsal! They loved the sparkles on the stage!!
All but one of the girls in their class.
Chloe looking so cute!

Carly doing one of her favorite steps - Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle

Ok, I went to add pictures from the actual recital, and they aren't on my memory card!!! YIKES! I had such cute pictures. So I may add some pics later once I find them, if not, then these are all that I have!

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