Friday, June 26, 2009


Had to show off my great savings today at the grocery store. I have been working very hard to change my shopping and we have saved ALOT of money!!! My goal is to spend $50 to $75 max a week on groceries. Now, this is the only place I shop, so all toiletries, meats, fruits, cleaning products, etc. are figured into this budget -as well as our 5 gallons of milk we drink a week!! These groceries added up to $191 and I paid $77!!! The picture does not include 5 cases of pepsi! As you can see it is a lot!! I have 4 meals with the meats I got, 4 boxes of GM cereal, 6 bottles of Lysol cleaning, just to name a few biggies. Anyways, I was so excited that they had to use the key to ring me out today (I had too much savings) that I had to blog about it! And all of this was bought at Harris Teeter!!

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