Monday, September 19, 2011

6 Months

Really?! 6 Months?! Do we really have to keep growing? Why do all my babies have to keep getting bigger? I want them to be little forever! I am hating seeing Channing grow because that means my baby isn't quite a baby anymore. 6 months is quite a big stepping stone in this house. She can do all sorts of things now. Above she is in her saucer. She really likes her jumper though, but I don't have a picture of her in it so this one will have to do.
She tried her first food - butternut squash. She really didn't care for it at all, but after a couple days, she figured out what the gooey mess was and likes it now.
She got to take a big girl bath. She really liked being able to sit up. I had to do this while Finley was busy or else Channing would have had a visitor!
This was Channing's last day in her brace! These obnoxious pinochio straps are finally gone! They really weren't that bad. She had one bad night the first night, but then she didn't care at all. She now has to wear one at night. It on the other had isn't too cute either, but just at night time isn't that bad.
She can also sit up! Ok - I need to go to bed and get out a box of Kleenex......this is getting too much for me!

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