Thursday, January 12, 2012

Childhood Ripped Away

The dreaded event finally happened! The day I have been dreading for quite some time now. The day one of my babies lost one of their baby teeth!!!!!!!!!! It's not fair! Why do they have to grow up? At first its a tooth, then they are out spending the night at friends houses, then its a car, then college and then they are GONE!!! I can't take this!! Their innocence is ripped away from them and can't be replaced - well it will be replaced with a big old ugly chicklet sized tooth (insert picture of Mr. Wilson from Dennis the Menace)!! It is so sad to me to see a hole in my child's sweet little smile. I am not happy about this can you tell?! Here is the culprit:
Yup, the 4 year old looses the first tooth in this house!! January 3, 2012 - Harper Banks is down a tooth. Carly and Chloe were glad he took the first hit with loosing a tooth - they needed to see how this whole process took place before they could loose one :) The above picture is with the tooth still in tact - yes, graphic I know. It was just sitting in his mouth by the last day, so when Matt took it out, it didn't even bleed!
And here is the awful hole left in the cutest smile! I hate it!! For some reason I think this tooth got knocked by Finley's head a long time ago, so I am wondering if that is why he lost it so soon, but, I really hope this is not a trend this year!! I did check the girls' mouths and they each barely have one loose - and of course it is the opposite ones in the center, so that will be really weird if they loose opposite teeth (I am sure everyone else will be glad so they can tell them apart!) He put his tooth in his tooth box (I knew it was coming so I bought little wood boxes from Hobby Lobby that they each painted so they could set it out for the tooth fairy). He put it on his window so she could get it. He wanted me to write a note: "Dear Tooth Fairy, Can you please leave my tooth and my box. Today is Tuesday. Love, Harper"
The next morning we waited to hear him opening his box. He didn't. I finally asked him if he looked and he said the note was still on the box so he didn't think she came. I told him to look anyways (she wrote a response to him) and he found his gold dollar! He was excited. Before he went to bed, he went running out of my room, and then quickly came back and said, "Wait, how is she going to get in the house if the garage door isn't open?" I told him she was magical and would come through the window but couldn't come until he was asleep. He quickly said, "Oh, I think she is in the neighborhood!!" And he ran into bed and snuggled right in! It was a rough day - Oh wait.......Forgot to add something......When Matt pulled the tooth and Harper looked at me, yes I got teary eyed and quickly hugged my baby boy - bad idea. His proud, brave expression turned to tears too as he was sad that it upset me!! Ooopsie. I had to turn off my sadness and let him know how cool he was. We decided to snuggle and watch a little Blue's Clues together to get our minds off it. That sweet baby had his little arm around me the whole time - I know he didn't want to upset me and I guess he can still be my baby :)

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