Saturday, February 11, 2012

Finley Cam

I really wish Finley would walk around with a helmet cam on her head. Just listening and watching everything this child does is hilarious. And I don't even catch half of what she does or says! For instance....Nap times: 12:30 to 3:30 for Finley. Harper and Channing don't go down until 1:30 because she still takes a morning nap too and he doesn't need a long nap. So we were all up on the 3rd floor and Finley was tucked into bed. It was close to 1:30 so I was rounding up Harper and Channing, when here she comes up the stairs with the biggest smile ever on her round little face - "Tada!!!" She shouts - like we were all anticipating her long awaited arrival! She thought for sure this courageous act would get her a free ticket out of bed. I can just see her now plotting this in her bed. Kind of like a dog with one of those invisible fence shock collars on. Waiting and debating. Getting close to the door knob then running back to her bed to see if she could psych herself into doing it. And then the final boost of confidence, the door swinging open, the smile getting bigger and bigger and she climbs 2 flights of stairs hearing our voices getting louder and louder. Her heart just beating ready to make her magnificent entrance - "TADA!!!" Sweetie, it was cute, but you are still taking your nap!! :)

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