Thursday, October 15, 2009

Squeeky Bones

Matt has the most annoying bones in the world! His whole body pops when he moves. Every time he bends his thumb - it cracks. Well, normally I am pretty used to his squeaky bones, but last night it was absolutely crazy!! Finley had a bubbling stomach - one that made her wake up at 3:30 and Matt didn't get back in bed until 5:15. Not so fun when she has been sleeping through the night for over a week! Well, he was holding her and pacing the room (my rules for middle of the night awake babies - that is his job - he can be tired at work, but if I am tired and have a short fuse, I don't want it to come out on our kids - so he is on night duty). As he was pacing, his body was cracking every step he made - his knees and ankles!! AGH! I finally had to make him leave the room it was so loud! This happened when the girls were babies too. So bad I wouldn't let him take another step - he had to freeze where he was until I could leave the room! Yes I am a little extreme (but if you know me, that is just my personality), but man, he sounds like the tin man and needs a good oiling!!!!

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Eddie said...
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