Saturday, April 10, 2010


Well, the school situation is quickly approaching and I/we are so on the fence with what to do. Well, mainly me since Matt won't be doing all the work. We have a couple of options. #1 - Stallings Elementary - where we are districted now. #2 - Union Academy - a charter school that we are currently in the lottery for (this won't be an option if they don't get in). or #3 - homeschool. Why would I want to homeschool? There are MANY reasons why, so I will list them: I can teach them with religion in the curriculum!, more time with them, no wasted time traveling to and fro, I am a certified teacher, they will get all the attention they need without teacher getting pulled for other kids, I can teach at their speed, don't have to deal with them coming home from school with lovely things they have learned from others, we can get involved in homeschool groups (there are lots around here), there are more, but I have been up since 3 am and my brain is starting to get hazy! Why would I not?: miss out on school friends, miss out on the fun first day of school stuff, miss out on looking up to that special teacher (but that is a positive, because I will be there teacher and they will always remember me), etc. They were really excited to go visit Stallings. And they liked it alot and prayed for Miss CoCo (one of the teachers - they liked saying her name) But even after all that excitement, I asked them where they wanted to go to school and they both said at home with me. Why? "Because you love us!" Now do I want to do this when they are in high school?? No!! My purpose is not to just protect them, but to prepare them. I don't feel that at 5 yrs. old they are fully prepared for everything! They are just now "getting life" so to say and I don't want them weak in their faith, who they are, and what they are all about. I want 2 girls that are solid for the Lord and can combat life making good choices. Aren't they just going to keep being shy? Well, if you haven't been around them in the past year, you would know that they are making great strides in their shyness! Yes, they are shy, but they are also breaking down their walls and coming out of their shells. Now, they get silly when they start warming up, but I like the laughter vs. the crying!! So anyways, just want to update everyone on the school front. It is now 6 am and I have a garage sale to get ready for!!!

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