Monday, June 7, 2010

Pool time!

The summer pool season has begun!! We have a membership to the Monroe Aquatic Center, so that is where we will be spending the majority of our days. This year will be a juggling act to work with. Finley is still little and needs 2 naps a day (the morning can be missed, but it is easier if she is rested). So I guess I will try several techniques of organizing our mornings to make each pool trip a success!! If you know me, you know that I can not survive a voyage of any kind unless I am prepared, organized, and I have all my ducks in a row. Come on now, I have 4 kids and it is all a NECESSITY!!! Today we went to a friend's pool which is closer than the Aquatic center, so the kids had fun and it is nice for them to have friends to play with. Mauren is the girls age and Maize is Finley's age, poor Harper is out of the loop - AGAIN!! He played in the kiddie pool with Carly, Chloe, Mauren, 2 other twin girls that are 5, and another 5 yr old - and yes he was playing with Princesses! But at least he was giving them boat rides!! Finley got her first busted lip too! She was trying to scale a chair and she fell down. I was putting peanut butter on crackers for the big kids so I got up and hoisted her from under the chair. I feel kind of callused when it comes to bumps and bruises now. I have had 5 years of bang ups under my belt now, so I am able to take these with little reaction now. My friend Leigh gasped and said, "Oh there is blood!" I looked down and her mouth was bleeding pretty good. (Still with peanut butter on my fingers) I grabbed a paper towel (because the towel I had already was covered in blood from when Chloe fell in the pool and scraped her knees all up) and held it on her itty bitty lips. The bleeding didn't last long and neither did her tears. Finley is a little trooper! When we got home everyone took a spectacularly long nap - I even closed my eyes for 30 minutes! Ah, the joys of pool days and how they can simply just wear you out!!

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