Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Triangle

Don't you love my lovely diagrams?! What in the world do they mean? Well, TJ (our Sunday School teacher) always uses this diagram as an image for us to keep in mind as a married couple. The top diagram shows how that if we are far apart from God, then us as a married couple (H-husband, w-wife) will be just as far apart. But the closer we are to God, the closer we as a married couple will be. This is such a true statement. So Matt and I try to always do something to continue cultivating our marriage. We have read several books together, but right now we are doing an online Bible study (well it is actually a series of sermons). The preacher is really good and we have enjoyed the series we are in. We are currently listening to the Peasant Princess series, which is on the book of Song of Songs. Finding ways that we can spend our evenings together in the Word is so much more rewarding than watching ANYTHING on TV!! Pastor Mark has lots of other sermon series and I think we will listen to the 1 Corinthians one next (since we will be studying it in Sunday School this summer). Check it out if you would like:

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