Tuesday, August 17, 2010

First Day of Mommy School

Yesterday, August 16th, was the official first day of Mommy School! Carly and Chloe were so excited! I had to dress them up and take lots of pictures, hey I'm missing out on all the school stuff, so I have to make things special for them and myself! The best room Dad ever helped me get the house in tip top shape the night before so we could get going and start our day off right. We got alot done and they had lots of fun. I even got 3 loads of laundry washed, dried, and folded. All in all, the day was great and we are excited about our upcoming year.
They sported their backpacks around so it felt like a real first day of school.

The excitement was just bubbling up inside!

Yes, I made them go outside, walk down the driveway and turn around and come back. They had to do it 2 times - once for me to video and once for me to take pictures. They thought it was funny.
These are their Schultuetes. I remember my Mom telling me about these from when she was little in Germany. She got one in preschool. They are cones filled with treats and school supplies (theirs were filled with cookies and pencils) that are given to kids at the start of the school year. I told them how to say it and they sound so cute saying it - and correctly! These were a big hit with them. They talked about them all day. That night we took them to the pool to burn off some energy because they were pumped all day. I let them choose treats from them to take with them. Very exciting! I told them that it was going to be gym class - Harper asked if I was Jim?

Here is Harper working on his colors while the girls were doing some work. He liked doing school too. He kept very busy!

And here are the scholars hard at work. They love their school room and quite frankly I love teaching them. I loved helping Chloe write her numbers and in the middle of them, she just gave me a kiss and told me she loves me. Now, I'm sorry, I wouldn't want to have missed that for the world!

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