Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Proof

Here is our little nugget! He/she is due March 3rd. I went to have the ultrasound and I told Matt to meet me at the Dr.'s. I just wanted him to sit in the car with the kids while I ran into the office. Dragging 4 kids to the Dr. is not my idea of any fun! Once we got to the hospital, I was getting out of the car and the girls about broke down into tears because they wanted to go see the baby! This of course broke my heart and I couldn't let them down, so we unloaded as Daddy was getting there. So the girls and I went into the Dr.'s with Matt and the little 2 and when they called my name Matt took the little 2 for a walk. So Carly and Chloe were the first to see this bundle little bundle of joy (and yes, it is only 1 bundle of joy)! It was neat to hear the heart beating so fast! This little blob is beating already - CRAZY! Just wanted to update the status of the baby! Here is to the next 30 weeks and 2 days!

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