Thursday, September 9, 2010

How is school?

We are in full swing of school and we are staying very busy! Each day we have to get ourselves moving so that we can get all our school work done. I figured I would post our day since everyone asks how it is going:
7:00 - girls are getting up and I shower
7:30 - Harper is getting up and I get breakfast ready
8:00 - breakfast
8-9 - I clean kitchen, do dishes, laundry, or any other household chore - I also get all the kids clothes out and toothbrushes and they get ready for the day.
9 - 9:30 - We start with calendar (Finley is in her cage by now and she watches a sing along video)
9:30 - 10:30 - Finley is taking a nap and we do school work - usually math and some type of project - I usually give Harper his own game or project to do during this time
10:30 - 11 - we finish up with our work and Harper goes and plays with Finley
11 - 11:30 - break to play and I get lunch ready
11:30 - lunch
(if we need to run out during the day, we leave after lunch and are out until 1:30)
11:30 - 12:30 - eat and clean up and play
12:30 - 1:30 Play time - this is when I do lots of Finley time
1:30 - 3:30 - naps for Harper and Finley (Harper sometimes goes to bed earlier depending on his level of happiness) - the girls and I then do reading time. I read with one while the other is doing some type of reading activity - game or computer game and then we switch
3:30 - 5:30 play time
5:30 - dinner
6:30 - showers or family play time
7:30 - bed for Finley and big kids go to my room for a story and prayers
8:00 - big kids are in bed

That is our day in a nut shell. Now it is ALWAYS subject to change! You never know when there is that random vomit that needs to be cleaned or when my eyes can no longer stay open and I let them stop and take a break. We also go outside and do things but that is always weather dependent when we go!!! And that is our schedule!

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