Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Testimony

In church the other night, Pastor Kenn was speaking on Acts 22. This is where Paul shares his testimony. Pastor Kenn posed the question that if we were to have to stand up that night and share our testimony, would we be able to do it? It is kind of neat to hear about people who are older who got saved later on in life and they can remember everything about that life changing event. I wish I could remember everything about the day that I became saved and that it was such a profound experience that my life changed dramatically upon receiving the Grace of God with eternal salvation. But, I don't. I do remember that I was in VBS and I was sitting in a circle of chairs. And for the life of me I can't remember her name who lead me through the prayer, but I am sure my Mom remembers her name once I describe her, so I will add her name later. I was young, very young I do know that. I remember having such a secure feeling after that. That no matter what I did, I would be forgiven. So I could make my mistakes, pray for forgiveness, and continue on. But was that what it is all about? No way! I would say that being a born again Christian really didn't take any meaning to me until about 3 years ago. Then what in the world had I been doing for all those years? Well, riding the coattails of being a Christian of course! There was by no means any way someone would look at me and think, "Man, there is something different in her." On the contrary. I made many bad choices and there was no reflection of Jesus in my life. Why was the change only 3 years ago? It all finally clicked. What the point of being a follower of Jesus Christ was all about. What the point of all the Bible stories were. I am so thankful that this click happened while I am a stay at home Mom. Being new at something it doesn't take much for you to get knocked over! I am able to focus more and try to build a better foundation. Do I struggle? Daily. It is very hard to keep a Christ centered mind. It is hard to make time to read my Bible and to pray (and not to just pray words, but a meaningful prayer that is a conversation between me and God). But, I am aware of all my faults and how I am such a failure. It is fun to teach the kids as I am learning. I don't want to tell them Bible stories, I want them to know the point of each story and how to be a servant. There are so many teachable moments in a day to illustrate how to be more like Jesus. It is amazing to me how I have tried to rid myself of outside influences so that I can be totally focused on my walk and Satan just invades in another area! I am undeserving of God's amazing grace, but yet it was given to me, therefore it is my job to share that love to others. So there you have it. My testimony.

1 comment:

The Seven Acre Wood said...

I think most everyone who is saved at a young age has a point when "it clicks" later in life ... thanks for sharing your story! You are such a great mom, Becca ... I know that God is using you to further his Kingdom and I praise God for Christ-adoring friends like you! ;)