Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Harper

I can't believe this handsome boy is only 4! He seems older to me. I am quite happy he is only 4. He is pretty special. Look at that smile! He is my only boy and he is amazing. I love how he loves his sisters. I love how he talks to Channing and holds her. I love how he takes Carly and Chloe places that they are too scared to do alone. I love how he gets into mischief with Finley. I love how he has to get out all his Black and Decker tools out every time Daddy starts to fix anything. I love how he puts his laundry away all the time without being asked. I love how he gives me foot rubs if I am sick. I love how he laughs and talks (with all that extra spit in his mouth). I love how his stories are so incredibly long that I have a hard time following them so I am forced to just say, "wow" at the end of all of them. I love how he sits in bed in the morning and doesn't get out, because he is waiting for Channing to wake up so he can talk to her. I love how he has to wrap himself up like a burrito in bed in order to fall asleep. There are so many things to love about this boy and he has a house full of people that love him lots.

On his birthday, he was just getting over a stomach bug that he shared with Carly and Chloe. We were going to take him to Monkey Joe's that morning, but he couldn't go. We just had a very small family birthday party here at the house. He was so excited to pick out his cake. He went from Thomas, to Woody, to Mickey and then back to Woody again. He chose his cake because he has a Woody figurine that lost its arm so he figured if he got a Woody cake, he could replace that Woody with one with 2 arms! Smart thinking!
Even though he had just been sick, he still was able to manage to eat his cake and cheesy poofs!
And in all true kid fashion, he loved opening his presents!

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