Sunday, December 5, 2010

What do you want?

We actually talked about this in Sunday School today, but it has been on my mind a lot lately. I absolutely love Christmas time. I love to wrap presents in pretty paper and watch people unwrap them. I get excited about thinking of the perfect gift for someone. So how do I get that pleasure instilled into my children? I want them to enjoy giving the gifts rather than wanting gifts. One thing that I do NOT ask them is, "what do you want?" I do not want them to set an expectation for Christmas that I have to give them something to be happy and then if I don't get it, they will be let down. I really enjoy not getting a list from them. They don't ask for things. Now, the other night while getting ready for bed, they were out of feet pajamas and they did say they wanted some new ones so they can be snuggly warm. (Their bedroom is like negative 20 degrees at all times - I seriously think they did not insulate that room). I am glad we don't do Santa and have to deal with a letter. I feel that good behavior is expected and they shouldn't think they deserve a gift for being good - let's face it, if that was the case not a single person deserves a gift - we are all SINNERS!!!! We do it everyday and the gift that was given to us is one that was given to us on Christmas Day long, long ago. So, going back to a letter (which by the way writing a letter is a great skill for children) - we will not do Santa letters asking for things, but we will be doing Dear Jesus letters - thanking Him for all that we have, all that we are given, all the needs that are met, and our loving family. I know my thoughts on everything are different, but we just feel led to do things this way with our kids.

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