Monday, March 7, 2011

For the Love of Music

When the girls were little, I started constantly playing music. We listen to kid songs, tons of Bible songs, nature songs, classical songs, etc. I just think it is soothing to hear music playing softly in the background while they play. I think it relaxes them and they play better with each other with some nice music on. Now when they were 1, they fell in love with the Wiggles. We had 2 DVD's that they would watch and dance to. Then they got into the Doodlebop's. Another group that plays music and sings. They have 1 DVD that they have and reinact almost daily. And of course, everyone in our family is named after someone on the show. They have all the costumes too, so we have alot of shows. Well a couple of weeks ago, I turned on the TV for them for a treat and we watched a show called the Fresh Beat Band (with my finger on the off switch if it wasn't any good). They really enjoyed this group of singers/dancers. So this is now their newest passion!! I have watched all the episodes and it is a good show and they are allowed to watch it and it has come at a wonderul time!! We are going on a week now of some very sick kiddos and all they want to do is lay around (I don't blame them when they have such high fevers)! I think it is very interesting how these guys have really loved music band groups. They have a passion for singing (chior is their absolute favorite thing to do) and I have no clue how to deal with this!! I can not sing, Matt doesn't even know the words to twinkle twinkle, let alone hold a tune to it, so we are at a loss. I definitely see music lessons in their future!! We may even have our own little Rifflet band!! Here they are enjoying an episode online!!

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