Friday, March 27, 2009

Trophies or Teachers?

This was the title of the devotional in my Bible today. It was really interesting to think about. It posed the question, "Do you view your children as trophies or teachers?" Hmm. If you view them as trophies, you look at all their accomplishments and personalities and place them up on your mantel and take credit for all they have become. Kind of easy to do. It is natural to take pride in your kids! When they do the littlest things that make you proud, it is easy for you to hold them up and smile at what wonderful thing they have done. BUT, if we view them as teachers, then we will submit ourselves to the lessons we will learn from God at their hands!!! I have to admit, over the past 4 years, I have learned so much from my kids! For instance, prior to children, if I were sick or in pain, once it was severe enough I would probably pray for my healing. Yesterday Carly was not feeling good, and I stopped what I was doing to stand next to her at the breakfast table and pray for her to feel better. I have done this a lot for them when they have boo boos or when they are sick, they listen, but never really respond. Yesterday, after praying, Carly dropped her toaster stick, and bowed her head and prayed for ME!!! She prayed with her eyes closed and with so much compassion. She thanked God for the day and to help me not to get sick! WOW! She showed me that yeah she was feeling down, but there are other people that need to be prayed for! This is awesome to me! They can do the smartest things in the world, but them getting the connection that there is an almighty God who can do so much for them is the best thing in the world. They truly are amazing teachers if you let them be. I taught their Sunday School class a lesson several weeks ago about a man whose son was sick and he went looking for Jesus to come and heal him. One afternoon they were running around the back yard yelling, "Jesus! Jesus! Where are you?" Matt asked them what they were doing. They said, "Dad, Chloe is sick and she needs Jesus to make her feel better!" Do we often run to Jesus immediately when something is wrong? Or do we wait until it gets pretty rough before going to Him? These are just a few examples of what my girls have taught me about the power of prayer! I can say, I have definitely gotten a whole lot better at going to the Lord so much faster with my problems, but I have a lot more work ahead of me. So what a neat question to ask yourself - is your child a trophy or a teacher? What holds the best lesson in life - your child can cut a straight line or having your child grow in their love for God and that they praise Him with their lives? God gives us the little miracles called children - learn from them!

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