Saturday, May 2, 2009

Strawberry Picking

This morning we took the kids strawberry picking. They were so excited to go on a "strawberry hunt" as Carly kept saying. They had no clue what it really was all about, but it sounded fun I guess. We picked our row and we went over the art of berry picking with them. They picked about 2 each and then we showed them that you can eat them. Well . . . . that was it!! They stood while Matt filled their buckets and just ate berry after berry. Chloe wouldn't even let him put a berry in her bucket with the green tops on at all, so it was easier for her to eat them. Carly started crying as I was putting berries in her bucket. I think she thought she had to eat everything in the bucket, so she was getting upset that she wasn't going to be able to empty out her bucket! It was so funny how upset she was that she wasn't going to be able to eat them all. So needless to say, Matt went strawberry picking and Carly and Chloe ate strawberries. Harper picked some too. He would take one bite and then throw it. So he probably ate about 2 whole strawberries the entire time if you add up all the little nibbles out of each one!

Grandpa brought Reilly too, so she was working very hard filling her bucket. They all had a great time. My kids were so tired they all wanted to go to bed when they got in the car (Harper fell asleep) - all that eating wore them out!

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