Monday, August 3, 2009

A day with Connor

My mom had Connor to visit for the week this past week, so on Saturday I took him to Discovery Place. It was nice to go with just him, something I don't get to do that often. My mom kept my kids and we went to have some fun. First we went to see the movie, Under the Sea, an IMAX film. We walked into the theater and Connor and I immediately became dizzy!! I told him to just look at the floor and walk. We finally made it to our seats, very light headed, but we were sitting. We closed our eyes and tried to adjust. The movie started and we ended up being alright, well - for time being at least. It was really pretty. Connor liked feeling like he was under water. The narrator was telling all about the camouflage fish. And then it started!! They started eating things!! Connor is infatuated with death, so I thought he wouldn't mind it, but they were so quick with the eating that it scared the living day lights out of us. The fish looked like they were coming at us!! Connor plugged his ears and buried his face in my arm. He was terrified. He kept saying, "I'm just done with all this eating!" It scared me too, but then I couldn't control my laughter because the poor boy was so scared. They finally moved on to something else, and he was enjoying the movie then. Just no more eating!! Then we went to see the newest display - Shipwreck, Pirates and Treasure. Connor liked all the stuff that was from ship wrecks. In the pirate section, there was a cage with a skeleton in it. Well, Connor didn't want to know what happened to him, he didn't care that it was a skeleton, he was just very concerned about what his name was!! He kept asking me and I told him I didn't know. He then stops a man to ask him his urgent question. He said he didn't know either. I quickly realized that I wasn't leaving until that skeleton had a name, so I said it is Bob. That was sufficient and he went on! It was so funny. So needless to say Connor was very entertaining on our trip to Discovery Place. He talked my ears off on the way to and from. That night I dreamt of storm troopers!!! The kid only talked to me for a few hours and he brain washed his Star Wars stuff into me!! He is too much.

Argh!! Pirate Connor!
Here is an iguana he got to pet - forgot his name

Connor hoisting flags

We started building this sky scraper. I had to quick take a picture because he was trying to blow it down like the 3 little pigs. We ended getting it up pretty high - taller than me!

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