Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Goodbye Smith!!

Only 3 more weeks!! I thought I would take this time to say goodbye to Smith. Smith is the name of my right leg. (You know from the movie Marry Poppins and they say "I once knew a man with a wooden leg named Smith.") I know I had Smith with Harper and Smith is back full force with this baby. For some reason these children lay on some type of nerve on my right side. This causes me to have little mobility with my right leg. It is the weirdest thing in the world. I can't lift my right leg to put my pants on. I kind of have to swing it to get it in the pants. My left leg is fine. I can lift it and move it normally. But Smith just has a mind of its own. I felt it necessary to name my leg Smith, so that Matt would know what I was talking about when I say, "GET SMITH!" Meaning - help me, I'm stuck and I can't move my leg. It is funny to watch me get into bed. I get in with left leg first and then I have to grab my pants on the right leg to lift and swing it into the bed. I love many things about pregnancy, but Smith, I'm sorry to say, I do not love you!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Becca- You crack me up. That is funny and it must be weird not to have full function of your leg. At least you have a wonderful husband to help. I did tell Bill he will have to bust Matt's chops though ;). I enjoyed talking to you yesterday. Sorry I had to cut our conversation short. I would love to see you and the kids if you are free this weekend, tues or th. I know you said you have been really busy so I totally understand if you just feel like resting. Especially since you are having a baby in a few weeks. Just let me know. Love, Kassie